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The purpose of Aspire provision is to support learners in key stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) who may have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and have difficulty accessing full-time mainstream education. It aims to provide a more nurturing and supportive environment with a more appropriate curriculum that suits the needs of individual learners. Each learner will be offered a unique curriculum with a core of English, Maths, Science, RE, and BTEC SWEET. In some cases learners may still access some options in mainstream school whilst others will access courses provided by external providers such as Prince’s Trust, YMCA, Neath College or Gower College. Pupils will have access to additional extra-curricular opportunities including work experience placements and careers services through the Cynnydd Project.


(Learn, Engage, Aspire, Progress)

The purpose of LEAP provision is to support learners in key stage 3 (Years 7-9) with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties who are having difficulty accessing full-time mainstream education. LEAP is a temporary alternative to mainstream provision and aims to provide a more nurturing and supportive environment with a more appropriate curriculum that suits the needs of individual learners. Learners will typically engage in a 6 week program centred around developing literacy, numeracy and the skills required to access a mainstream education.


The purpose of Nurture provision is to support learners who are having difficulty accessing full-time mainstream education because of physical and mental health concerns. Nurture is not a permanent alternative to mainstream provision but it is designed to act as a ‘stepping stone’ back into full-time mainstream education. Leaners may have full-time, part-time or ‘time-out’ support where they are able to work in a calm and quiet environment with the support of specialist staff.



The purpose of Engage provision is to support leaners who are having difficulty managing their behaviour in mainstream classes. Pupils would normally be in Engage whilst withdrawn from certain lessons for short periods of time and Engage staff will mentor pupils, support them in managing their behaviour and monitor behaviour reports. ‘Time-out’ provision is also available for pupils who have difficulty managing their behaviour in class.


The purpose of Haven provision is to support learners who are having difficulty with relationships, bullying, mental health or other wellbeing concerns. It provides a safe space for vulnerable learners at lunch and break-times where they can access support from Heads of Year, pastoral support staff and TEN mentors (lunchtime in Nurture).



The Cynnydd Project aims to reduce the number of potential and actual individuals defined as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). Learners identified as being at risk of becoming NEET are assigned a Cynnydd learning coach who supports them by providing additional, individualised and intensive support for pupils who are at risk of failing to reach their full potential and ensures that pupils identified as at risk gain skills and confidence to succeed in education, employment and training.


(Health and Wellbeing Base)

The HWB houses the Wellbeing team which consists of three Safeguarding and Wellbeing Officers (SWOs). The SWOs support pupils and families to ensure that they are physically and mentally healthy, safe and are supported within the boundaries of their rights. Support is primarily on a 1-1 basis with pupils. Their needs are identified through information communicated by staff, pupils, families and professionals. Student’s safety is the primary focus of SWO's work without dismissing their need for as high standard of education, thus pupils are supported in many ways to access this. For example, an SWO might support pupils in attending lessons if they are feeling anxious or refer them for other support such as Nurture provision where they can access their education in a pupil focused environment which can cater closely to their individual needs. In addition to this, there is also the Exchange counselling service that is located in the same building which pupils can access Monday-Wednesday by appointment via referral or attend the lunch time drop-in service.  


As well as direct pupil support, families and carers can access support and advice over the phone or through meetings with the safeguarding officers. SWOs can signpost families to services such as, their local GP, SNAP Cymru, the Police, Drug Aid or social services. They also link in closely with EVOLVE youth service, Youth Offending Service and social services where referrals can be made if necessary.


The safeguarding officers carry out educational work on topics such as internet safety, friendships, bullying and personal safety. Restorative practice is used to help resolve any conflict and sustain amicable relationships. The safeguarding officers also arrange and attend various parental and/or multi-agency meetings to progress with targets tailored in the young person's best interests.  

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