Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will be aware, on Monday afternoon the Welsh Government announced that there will be a national lockdown from Friday 23rd October at 6pm until Monday 9th November. These increased restrictions, which are being described as a ‘circuit-break’, will be in place to help regain control of the virus. Further information about the circuit-break can be found here:
The Welsh Government announcement states that the circuit-break will last two weeks. The first week of this is the half-term holiday, however education will continue during the second week of the circuit-break. From Tuesday 3rd November (Monday 2nd being a scheduled INSET day), Bishop Vaughan will be open to pupils in Years 7 and 8. School transport will continue as normal at this time.
In line with the Welsh Government’s directive on this, pupils in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 will continue their learning from home. Pupils in these year groups should follow their usual timetables and will use Microsoft Teams to carry out their classwork, unless they have requested paper packs for any reason. If they have requested paper packs, these will be posted out during the half-term break in readiness for them to use the resources from 3rd November until 6th November.
Teachers will be providing lessons in a range of formats, including recorded lessons (which can be accessed at any time and as often as is needed), assignments and ‘live lessons’. The latter are generally used to check on understanding or wellbeing. In this time, there will also be a pastoral session, details of which will be provided to your child. Information has been sought from all parents and carers regarding their child’s access to IT devices and the internet. If you are concerned about this, however, please contact Student Services on 01792 772006 ext. 239. We will also continue to be in touch with you in the time ahead to update our consent records for your son/ daughter.
BACS payments will be made to parents/ carers for those pupils eligible for free school meals to cover the week of half-term, following the Welsh Government’s pledge to cover this entitlement through school holiday periods up to and including Easter 2021. Pupils in Years 9-13 will also receive this payment for the week commencing 2nd November. Any eligible families who have not yet provided their details for payments to be made will be offered a food parcel for these weeks. Both payments and parcels are organised centrally by the Local Authority.
Should you have any queries relating to this information or during the period of the circuit-break, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01792 772006 or at We will be happy to help in any way that we can.
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe, happy and restful half-term break; you are all in our prayers as a school community –
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Pole