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Headteacher’s Blog Post – Saturday 30th November 2019

Pupils were pleased to see, on their return to school following the half term break, that the new temporary building had indeed been completed! We now have an exams hall and gathering space once more! Examinations have in fact already taken place and we wish all those awaiting results in January every success.

Pupils have also been pleased to see the completion of a new canopy/ covered walkway connecting several parts of the building. We are looking forward to the conclusion of the roof work in early Spring, by which point the work of our Eco-Committee will be well underway, creating new garden spaces in the school. We will share our news on these with you!

We were delighted to welcome the Diocese’s Apostolic Administrator, His Grace Archbishop Stack, to the school at the start of the month. It was an honour to welcome him to the school for his first visit, and to welcome back too Councillors Raynor and Hopkins, our Chief Education Officer, Mr. Williams, and further Diocesan and Local Authority representatives. We thank our guests for their time in visiting us and learning more about our wonderful school and its pupils.

Remembrance weekend saw very many of our pupils contributing to the commemorative events taking place across the city, including at the Brangwyn Hall. Similarly, later in the week, our pupils joined in prayer at Mass for the deceased members of the clergy at the Sacred Heart Church, Morriston, with members of our school choir, the Schola Cantorum, singing at this most moving Mass. At the conclusion of the same week, on Friday 15th November, pupil and staff representatives from the school attended the Requiem Mass of Bishop Daniel Mullins. All attending were most moved by the tributes to Bishop Mullins, whose pastoral work was so notable and who was such a passionate advocate of the Welsh language. Further information can be found here:

During the Autumn term, all schools are visited by their Challenge Advisers, and within the support meetings, there is analysis of the school’s performance and its capacity to improve further still, this leading to the awarding of the school’s categorisation position. Having been categorised during the last year as a Green A school, we look forward to being able to share this year’s categorisation following publication of these for all schools in late January.

With the final Sunday of the liturgical year on Sunday 24th November, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. We now, therefore, begin Advent and pupils – as in Lent – have begun spending the last part of each Friday afternoon following the practice of the Examen. This encourages us to engage in reflection, focusing on those things for which we are grateful, offering our gratitude to God, and to focus on God’s presence, discerning His intention for us within all that we do. We look forward to the forthcoming Advent assemblies and to the Carol Services, to which all are warmly invited.

Mrs Pole


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