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Headteacher’s Blog Post – Saturday 6th October 2018

As we enter the month of the Holy Rosary, it is a particular joy to see the new Rosary Garden taking shape. Bulbs in the colours of the Rosary mysteries are currently being planted to ensure some Spring colour, as are herbs surrounding the central statue of Our Lady. The October rosary will be taking place in this garden when the weather permits, and in the Chapel when, as is frequently the case in our part of Wales, it does not!

Our pupils have, as an extension of our work together on the Gospel values, been introduced to the concept of character formation through a focus on virtues. We will be looking at pairs of virtues at regular intervals throughout the year and have begun the academic year with Acts of Worship centred upon the virtues of being ‘faith-filled and hopeful.’ We aim to ensure that pupils are faith-filled in their beliefs and are encouraged to have faith and hope in each other; crucially, also, in themselves. Through this, each pupil can be nurtured to become the best that they can be. Pupils have been learning about this focus with interest in their RE lessons, and our prayers together have been for increased faith and hope in all aspects of our lives.

It was a pleasure to welcome visiting Year 5 and Year 6 pupils for our Open Evening on Thursday this week. Our pupils and staff enjoyed meeting with them very much and we look forward to them joining us for transition days, link projects, school performances and further activities throughout the year ahead. Very many thanks to the current pupils for the ways in which they extended a warm welcome, demonstrated activities and chatted about their own school experiences. As always, their generosity with their time – especially towards the end of a busy week – was appreciated!

Friday’s Problem-Based Learning Day saw a departure from timetabled lessons for the whole school in order to facilitate tome exciting opportunities for trips and activities. With Humanities trips to Big Pit, St. Fagan’s and Oxwich Bay, Science fieldwork in a local park and a menu of Creative Technology activities, in addition to pupils at key stages four and five engaging in workshops and subject-based activities, it was certainly a busy day, but a very fruitful and enjoyable one! Look out for photos and pupil feedback on this site, as well as in the next edition of the school newsletter!

At Bishop Vaughan, we are proud to promote language learning – both of modern and ancient languages. The Modern Foreign Languages Department is extending additional opportunities to learn Italian and Spanish in this academic year. These are in addition to the existing and numerous activities by the Welsh Department and the curriculum French lessons. We are pleased also to be able to offer Latin Club to pupils of all ages, with the option of taking this to GCSE level, and with the wonderful grounding that this offers for study of most European languages. Similarly pupils from all year groups are invited to participate in Ancient Greek Club, this activity being offered in partnership with Swansea University and providing an interesting blend of language learning (a completely new alphabet, for those that like a challenge!) and discovering more about the ancient world. Further information for all of these activities will be provided on the home page and on the ‘extra-curricular’ tab of this site. Pupils can also speak with Mrs. Richards, Head of MFL and based in G2, or Mr. Ingham, Latin and Greek teacher, based in Room 14. We look forward to seeing lots of pupils take up these fantastic opportunities.

With every good wish to the pupils and their families for the fortnight ahead.

Mrs Pole


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