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Headteacher’s Blog Post – Saturday 22nd September 2018

We’re still overwhelmed by the enthusiasm shown by pupils at the Enrichment Fair during this fortnight! So very many pupils were keen to try out new clubs, teams, learning opportunities and charity projects that those manning the stalls had a tough time keeping up with all the questions, queries and sign-up requests!

Very many thanks to the staff and pupils that supported this event, as well as to visiting organisations such as CADW, St John’s Ambulance, Welsh Assembly representatives, Swansea Libraries Service, the Prince’s Trust, the YMCA and the Urdd for their invaluable input.

A quick reminder to all pupils interested in signing up for instrumental lessons: please see the Music staff as soon as possible so that they can help you access these lessons and to discover potential hidden talents as instrumentalists! Certainly, the benefits and enjoyment derived from playing, and particularly in a band, ensemble or orchestra, are incalculable! Our Year 7 pupils will soon be enjoying a whistle-stop tour of the instruments in a full orchestra when they visit the Brangwyn Hall in October for a ‘Musical Minds’ event organised by the wonderful Swansea Music Service. We hope that it will prompt even more pupils to consider accessing their provision. For those more keen on using their vocal talents, pupils from the school are now looking forward to involvement in the County Youth Choir, the first event for which will be a Remembrance Concert, also at the Brangwyn Hall, in November. This choir opportunity is in addition to that already offered by the school, with involvement in concerts, liturgical music and the first class musical productions. We were delighted to work with our primary feeder schools on the latter for the first time this year. Having watched every single performance, I can truly say that the levels of talent evident were exceptional!

Within the last fortnight also, it has been my privilege to commend the first of the school’s Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award winners in our assemblies. Very many congratulations to Ira Go and to Sophie McFenton on their tremendous achievements!

Our newest pupils have settled in well and it has been notable that they have started the term extremely enthusiastically, getting involved in the full range of school activities. We consider involvement, with the friendships and sense of belonging that it brings, to be an important feature of school life. A reminder to all pupils, then, and not only to those in Year 7, that Rooms 2 and 3 are open every lunchtime for homework support, pastoral support and a friendly chat, should any of these be needed. Any worries or concerns can be reported to Mrs. Hopkins in this base, to Engage staff or dropped into the postboxes in Student Services or the Main Office. The Learning Zone, our free tuition and after-school learning centre, is open until 4.30 from Monday-Thursday every week.

We look forward to seeing all of our newest arrivals flourish during their time here as their predecessors have, and we wish all of our former Sixth Formers every success and every happiness as they set off to their University courses this week, taking up courses in fields ranging from Medicine to Music, Performing Arts to Public Services, English to Engineering, Latin to Law and Nursing to Neuroscience. Each of you carries the good wishes of all of your teachers, friends and the school’s Governors with you as you embark on your next steps. It has been a privilege for us to have played a part in helping you to achieve your goals.

Mrs Pole


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