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Headteacher's Blog Post - Saturday 28th October 2023

As mentioned in the last blog entry, the start of the term was certainly a whirlwind of activity, and there was far too much to contain in a single update to you. The Christmas newsletter will, of course, describe events more fully, and you can also follow the school’s social media accounts for regular news.

It has been great to see how well our newest pupils – those in Year 7 – have settled into the school already. They have been writing their own blogs about the experience and some of their advice to new pupils has been just lovely to read! Anthony wrote: “If you are ever afraid or scared, don’t worry you are never alone. The school is full of friends and you will always have one with you.”

Zac described how he felt on the morning of his first day: “I woke up and felt like there were a thousand butterflies in my stomach. My mother looked at me and said she was so proud. I put on my uniform that felt ten times too big, but I did look very smart. I was wondering if I would fit in. I was wondering if I would make friends, and I was wondering if I would find my way around.” He certainly – like most pupils beginning secondary school – started the day with lots of questions. He felt so much more reassured even by the end of that day, however, that he was able to advise others: “Don’t worry. Everyone feels nervous and gets lost. There are probably lots more people feeling like that. It may seem scary at first but you will soon get used to it.”

Natania advises current Year 6 pupils: “For all those in Year 6, have courage. Don’t be the shadow, be the light. Shine as bright as you can and reach the sky. I know you will be fine. I hope you all do your very best.”

We wish each of our Year 7 pupils an enjoyable and rewarding time in what we hope will be a seven year journey with us here at Bishop Vaughan!

It has also been wonderful to see how very well the pupils who are now well into that journey – and indeed even those who have completed it – have made the very best of the opportunities and experiences available to them. Our Upper School Awards Evening, held last Thursday evening, celebrated the achievements of those in Year 10 and above, including those who have just left Year 13. Many of those receiving awards are now in universities throughout the UK, and the awards recognised both achievement and effort, not only in their academic endeavours, but in the ways in which they have contributed to school life and put our values into action.

Our speaker for the evening, Mr. Rob Phillips, a highly-regarded educational practitioner, former Headteacher and former School Improvement Adviser, certainly provided an inspiring speech, and our Head Prefects gave excellent speeches also. The choir and soloists provided some beautiful musical items and the evening included a short film reflecting on the many valuable and important contributions that our former pupils have made to their communities and to the wider world in the last few years, particularly during the challenging period of the pandemic. We look forward to celebrating our Lower School Awards Evening later in the academic year.

Well done to all of our pupils on completing this first half-term of the year so successfully! We wish you all a safe, happy and restful break.

Mrs Pole


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