Dear Parent/Carer,
Further to my letter to you dated Monday 16th March, which is available here and which I would urge you to read if you have not already done so, I can provide a brief further update today. This update reflects the most recent information and guidance available to us.
First and foremost, the health and wellbeing of our school community is a priority for us as a school. We are doing everything that is possible for us at an operational level to encourage appropriate hand hygiene, disinfect surfaces, issue Personal Identification Numbers for the till points in the school canteen to replace the biometric thumb print system, and enhance the pupils’ understanding of why these measures are necessary through assemblies and tutorial discussions. Every member of the school community is contributing to these endeavours. Also at a strategic level our staff are working tirelessly to ensure that teaching and learning materials are currently being uploaded to Hwb, which is the Welsh Government online learning platform for pupils. This work is being carried out in addition to the normal teaching of lessons and progress is current being made in this area. These resources will become available in the next few days for those pupils who may need to self-isolate or in the event of a school closure. Further information will follow on how pupils can access this work. In anticipation of the possible future importance of accessing this work, reminders of log in details and passwords for Hwb were issued to all pupils this morning.
Very many parents and pupils have enquired about the likelihood of school closure. In line with other schools in Wales we are following the guidance issued from the Government. Government guidance is currently that schools should remain open for the time being. Bishop Vaughan, therefore, will be open tomorrow and this position will be kept under continuous review. The Welsh Education Minister has, however, recommended that any learner or member of staff with one or more of the identified underlying health issues should remain at home. Details of these are available here:
Should any pupil or member of staff have a health condition listed here, then Government guidance on social distancing would need to be followed and this would mean not attending school at this stage.
Please also note that for any pupil or member of staff who develop symptoms during the school day, we will continue with the protocol of sending home any person who is symptomatic.
While the school remains open tomorrow in line with guidance, I assure you that we will continue to monitor the advice regarding possible school closure and follow any directive given by Welsh Government or the Local Authority. The wellbeing of our pupils, staff and that of all of the families in our school community remains our top priority and we will take all steps that we possibly can to ensure this.
This is a time of unprecedented uncertainty. Thank you for your continued support in these difficult circumstances.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Pole